Collection: Men's sewing patterns

Welcome to our corner for men's sewing patterns! You can now find our men's patterns here. This is not about standard clothes, but about your personal style. Start your next project now and breathe new life into your wardrobe. Let's get stitchin', dude! πŸ§΅πŸš€

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Men's sewing patterns for immediate download or as paper pattern

Take control of the color, fabric and style by sewing your own clothes. At Julendo you will find an ever-growing selection of trendy sewing patterns for men.

Homemade men's fashion with easy-to-understand sewing instructions

Each Julendo pattern comes with clear, illustrated instructions that guide you confidently through each sewing step. This makes creating your new favorite piece child's play.

Whether comfortable sweatpants, a casual summer shirt, an elegant shirt or perhaps a stylish sweat jacket or sweater – which project will you choose for your next sewing project?